my poison

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Summer Atreides
my poison
POSTED ON Jul 22, 2022 1:44:22 GMT
Summer Atreides Avatar
The deed was done. Her father was gone. In some aspects, Summer felt free. Like a giant weight that had been crushing her since she was a child was lifted off of her. Like she could breathe again.

But there would always be a part of her that would miss Merrick Prescott, despite him being a shitty person and an equally shitty father.

As she pulled herself into the shower, watching water streak reddish-pink with the blood washing out from her hair, her body, everywhere, she felt her mind churning. Emotionally, she felt numb. But Summer knew that if she didn't have some sort of distraction, she'd think about it all night.

It'd consume her. Eat her alive, like 's Pokemon did to everyone they came into contact with.

She shuddered, scrubbing her skin near raw to get herself clean. Her dress was tossed. She could always get a new one. And as she got out of the shower, an idea came to her head, her red gaze drifting to her phone.

Having her ways, Summer contacted one .

"Cade. This is Summer."

"I know what you were thinking that entire time we were in the S.P.E.C.T.R.A. virtual reality. You were terrible at hiding your expressions, you know?"

"If you want me... come get me. You're more than welcome to ravage me tonight (;"

"Please. I need you."

The texts, sent consecutively, were to rile him up. To see if he'd in fact come. Her location was also sent, and so Summer dressed herself in something tasteful as she waited.
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the one-eyed wolf
april 1st
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Cade Atreides
my poison
POSTED ON Jul 29, 2022 8:12:32 GMT
Cade Atreides Avatar

"I'm nearby on a job. Be there in 15."

Was that playing it cool enough? Did the idea of abandoning his bounty in favor of her appeal to Summer? Perhaps he shouldn't have responded so quickly.

Truth be told, Cade hadn't indulged in such activities like this for quite some time. Though, even if he had, was sure to have inspired the same effect anyways. He had to pinch himself every once in a while when he thought about her... just to make sure he wasn't still in that damned virtual reality game.

Wearing a casual black jacket, brown trousers, and boots, he approaches her door and takes a deep breath before knocking. In his hand, he carries a bottle of $80 merlot from the convenience store nearby. The cashier had done him the courtesy of tying a little ribbon around it that she'd taken from a gift bag in one of the aisles.

She'd thought he was going on a cute, romantic date. In his nervousness, he'd prepared like he was. Though, clearly, he already had what Summer needed.

The wine was hopefully, maybe, just the icing on top.
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Summer Atreides
my poison
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2022 17:47:57 GMT
Summer Atreides Avatar
It was to Summer's pleasure that he responded quickly enough, looking at the clock to see how much time she had until he got there and the approximate time. She had time to change, to look nice and enticing.

It wasn't often anymore she did this for her... guests. The last she could easily recall was , and that had been months ago. So why not, after a brutal day of patricide and stress?

She chose a simple cream piece with a robe, lace embodied over her skin as she kept her hair in a loose bun neatly on her head. With a dash of makeup, not too much but enough to enhance her features, she was ready by the time he showed up at her door.

Descending the stairwell, Summer opened the door, leaning against it lazily as she let a small smirk crawl across her lips. Then, her eyes spotted the wine.

"Oh, drinks? You surely didn't have to go such lengths for a night with me, Mr. Cabrera," she cooed, though the gesture wasn't unappreciated.

She opened the door further, allowing him in before the mahogany wood shut with a solid thud. She waltz closer, passing by close enough so Cade could catch a wiff of her shampoo, her body wash, everything, as her hips swayed.

"I suppose we could enjoy a glass beforehand?"
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the one-eyed wolf
april 1st
montenevera, paldea
ANVIL mercenary
late nights
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6'6" height
6'6" height
you got me dancing in the dark, hit the lights with a blackout
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Cade Atreides
my poison
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2022 4:13:48 GMT
Cade Atreides Avatar

The sight of her in such... provocative clothing is a pleasant surprise, to say the least. Frankly, he's speechless for a moment as his single blue eye dares to trace her rich curves from head-to-toe. Though eventually that enticed shock settles into a smirk of his own as he blinks out of his stupor and looks back up at her.

It wouldn't do to regress to being that shy NARANJA ACADEMY schoolboy with a crush again. Confidence was currency here, and he'd match her chip for chip until it was time to go all-in.

"Wine tastes better when it's enjoyed with lovely company," He responds, unabashed in the way he watches her move as the scent of sweet perfume graces his nostrils. "Sure. Lead the way." Shutting the door behind him, he eventually strides in behind her, biting his bottom lip at the sight of those amazing hips in sway.

Upon reaching the kitchen countertop, however, the blonde regains his composure and clears his throat as he sets the bottle upon its surface. Afterwards, he's content to lean down and cross his muscular arms across its edge as he watches her look for a corkscrew opener and a few glasses.

"So I'm bad at hiding my expressions, hm?" He smiles, wondering if she wore the white lace for just anyone she invited over under such circumstances. "And here I thought it was my air of mystery that attracted you to me..."
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November 1
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Summer Atreides
my poison
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2022 20:47:15 GMT
Summer Atreides Avatar
Typically, Summer's staff would prepare drinks when guests brought them by. But, she wasn't expecting Cade to gift her with the bottle of wine. The staff had been sent away for the evening, either enjoying the rest of the night off or sleeping early.

They still had to rise early.

Nevertheless, she had an idea of where the corkscrew was, finding it after a moment of rummaging around. She picked two lovely glasses: only the best pieces reserved for guests. With a pour, she passed one to him over the counter, her chest pressing against the hard granite for a moment before leaning back.

"Well, perhaps that too. I don't invite just anyone over to my home," she pointed out, propping herself up with her elbow as she sipped from her glass.

Summer smirked, shrugging.

"Your skill on the field was incredible as well. And your physique... I'm sure you have many swoon after you as well?"
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the one-eyed wolf
april 1st
montenevera, paldea
ANVIL mercenary
late nights
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6'6" height
6'6" height
you got me dancing in the dark, hit the lights with a blackout
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Cade Atreides
my poison
POSTED ON Oct 3, 2022 1:41:32 GMT
Cade Atreides Avatar

If he was obvious when they'd first met, then he could only imagine how audacious he seemed to her now. Frankly, he was disappointed in himself for delaying things further with a bottle of wine— particularly considering the intensity and purpose of her invite. But, he supposed, it was only polite to bring a gift before he indulged in his own.

She flatters him with her statement as he reaches over for his own glass, pausing to lightly clink his and hers together before lightly stirring and taking a sip. "The eyepatch tends to bring me more attention," He amusedly remarks. "And my scars tend to deflate that. You, on the other hand... you're quite easy to look at." He smoothly smiles.

Backing away from the counter, he looks at her for a little while longer before sauntering into the lounge nearby. "Quite the place you have here... any neighbors of the 'noise complaint' making variety?" The Paldean casually inquires, stopping in front a framed painting to gaze at its artwork for a moment.
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November 1
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TAG WITH @summer
Summer Atreides
my poison
POSTED ON Oct 3, 2022 1:57:30 GMT
Summer Atreides Avatar
Summer wasn't so sure she believed him. For many men she found herself attracted to, those who seemed a bit rough for wear and wore their scars unashamedly were definitely more her taste. It always peaked her curiosity... even if they marred the skin of her lover. They represented a fight that they survived in some way.

Whereas hers were all kept a secret, hidden in the depths of her mind. Just like earlier in the night, with the gun in hand as she rang the shots into her father's body.

Of course, as those memories tried to invade her consciousness, Summer pushed them back, smiling a sweet, almost innocent smile at him.

"You know how to charm a woman..." she hummed, drinking from her glass as she followed him into the lounge.

Small shivers ran down her spine, cold from her lack of appropriate clothing and the cold floor. She settled on the couch, tucking her feet under her as she tipped the rest of the wine back in one swoosh.

"Can't say that I do. Are you planning on making me scream?" Summer asked bluntly, unable to hide her smirk.
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the one-eyed wolf
april 1st
montenevera, paldea
ANVIL mercenary
late nights
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6'6" height
6'6" height
you got me dancing in the dark, hit the lights with a blackout
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Cade Atreides
my poison
POSTED ON Oct 3, 2022 2:15:53 GMT
Cade Atreides Avatar

She does well to hide those scars lingering in the depths of her mind like crooked-toothed jackals. All Cade sees is a charming smile beneath beautiful lips and sparkling bright eyes. Though, given time, he knows all too well that the curtain will be pulled back before long.

Regardless, he can't help himself from being drawn to Summer. There's something utterly magnetic about the way she carries herself; the way she speaks. It's rare, he thinks, to find a woman as headstrong as he is.

Turning to meet her smirk with a smile, Cade parts from the painting and steps towards her instead. From behind the couch, he reaches out with his free hand. Then fingers gently cup her chin before tilting her face upwards to meet his gaze. "Wouldn't want to have our fun spoiled, now, would we?" He responds, caressing her chin with his thumb in slow circles before letting go.

As he rounds the corner of the couch to sit with her, the blonde finishes the last of his wine before setting the empty glass down on the coffee table. "I won't ask why you messaged me with such urgency," He wasn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth; nor make a mess of a good thing. "But I'm glad I made an impression on you." He adds, seating himself at the end where she kept her legs tucked before setting a firm hand on one.

"Anything you'd like to know me?"
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November 1
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Summer Atreides
my poison
POSTED ON Oct 3, 2022 2:28:14 GMT
Summer Atreides Avatar
Summer heard his footsteps as he walked away from her decor, approaching her. They grew louder, with each step, though they were soft. She didn't turn her head to look at him, rather waiting to see what he'd do.

Her eyes closed as she felt his fingers travel to her chin, a gentle touch before lifting her head up. Of course, she obeyed, opening her eyes to meet his wonderfully blue gaze. A small hum of agreement vibrated in her throat, her body leaning closer until his hand withdrew.

This time she tracked him as Cade rounded the corner of the couch and sat beside her. The cushions dipped with his added weight, and Summer couldn't help but let her mind travel to how it would feel with his body pinning her down. She clenched her jaw, biting down on her bottom lip to suppress the thought as he spoke.

"I want you to do anything and everything in your power to bring me pleasure tonight," she spoke, leaning closer.

She could smell his body wash, his shampoo, whatever he used to clean himself. He smelled nice, and she wanted more.

"I'm open to anything. If I think it's going too far, I will use a safe word. Don't worry," she reassured him, her hand reaching to touch his jaw.

"So kiss me."
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the one-eyed wolf
april 1st
montenevera, paldea
ANVIL mercenary
late nights
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6'6" height
6'6" height
you got me dancing in the dark, hit the lights with a blackout
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Cade Atreides
my poison
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2022 4:52:56 GMT
Cade Atreides Avatar

Her reaction to his touch made the extent of her wants clear. Hesitations steadily begin to melt away, clearing the path for wishes that needed to be fulfilled. His one eye notes the bite of her lip, reading her gaze with great interest. He had an idea of exactly what she was thinking.

And, surprisingly, she's forward with it.

How refreshing, he thinks, to cut past the courting and seize what they really wanted. He's beginning to think he's never met a woman quite like her. What did he have to thank for this? Was it his charming good looks? His words? The smooth amber and white wood undertones from his cologne?

Her question garners a handsome smile from the Paldean. He knows he'll deliver. She just couldn't imagine how well. Knowing the opportunity to enlighten her was approaching, however, Cade doesn't dwell on the question for too long.

Summer pulls in close, placing a hand on his jaw as she reassures him. He pulls in closer, the tip of his nose grazing against the sweet fragrance of her skin as he peppers featherlight kisses against her neck. "You're saying I don't have to hold back then, is that it?" He whispers with a grin.

His firm hand grows exploratory down below. It caresses her thigh with soft, affectionate strokes before losing itself in its depths. The other reaches up to shift aside the bangs of blue hair from her face. "You might want to give me that safe word now, then..." He continues with a low, lion-like rumble in his throat.

His face aligns itself with her own then, though he keeps himself from kissing her with such haste. Instead, his thumb grazes her succulent lip as his sharp blue eye explores every lovely detail of her expression.

He waits for her answer.

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November 1
Mauville City
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Summer Atreides
my poison
POSTED ON Nov 3, 2022 1:41:58 GMT
Summer Atreides Avatar
Summer was unable to control the goosebumps that dotted her skin as he whispered near her ear while kissing her neck. The hand she had held on his chin fell, coming to rest on one of his shoulders as the other trailed up his other arm.

"Exactly," she answered, almost breathlessly, as his hand delved downward.

She had half the mind to just close the gap between them and ignore his demand. But, of course, she knew that it was an important decision. One that was haphazardously made in the midst of her brain fogging and becoming a mess because of Cade

"Persim," Summer breathed, tilting her head back as he exposed her face with his hand.

Without another word spoken, Summer ignored her previous wish of him kissing her, instead practically leaping forward and capturing his lips with hers. He was intoxicating, and she wanted to devour him all.
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the one-eyed wolf
april 1st
montenevera, paldea
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late nights
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6'6" height
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you got me dancing in the dark, hit the lights with a blackout
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Cade Atreides
my poison
POSTED ON Nov 3, 2022 9:10:35 GMT
Cade Atreides Avatar

Persim. How elegant. How fitting.

Cade isn't quite sure why that brings such a shark-toothed smile to his face. Perhaps it's the thought of bringing her to say it between breathless gasps and moans. Could she handle the pressure? Or would she crack under it like so many others?

Hungry is the only word that can adequately describe what he's feeling right now. He's hungry to find out. Hungry to vent his pent-up frustrations and wants. And, clearly, she's hungry for him, too.

Their lips and tongues clash and meld with such heat and passion that, before they know it, the Paldean has her straddled nicely on his lap. Blindly, his hands help her remove her silk robe before setting themselves at the smooth curves of her waist.

It was time to make good on that unspoken promise.


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Summer Atreides
my poison
POSTED ON Nov 6, 2022 4:11:44 GMT
Summer Atreides Avatar
Summer stepped out from the shower, drying off her skin and drying off her hair. Her skin was covered in bite marks, bruises, and other markings that weren't able to be scrubbed away. Not like she wanted to scrub them away.

She brushed out her hair, ensuring that there were no tangles in her sleek, blue locks as she looked in the mirror to meet Cade's gaze.

Unabashedly exposed to him... she didn't really care. Setting down her brush and settling the rest of her night routine, she grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him to her bed.

"Stay. I'll get someone to make us breakfast in the morning... we can sleep in late and not worry about any bullshit that's going on," Summer spoke softly, pressing herself closer to him to absorb his warmth.

She wasn't sure what it was, but she felt that there was something she craved about Cade. Maybe it was their short affair and the lingering pleasure in her brain, however she couldn't get away this feeling of needing him to stay, at least for a little while longer.
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the one-eyed wolf
april 1st
montenevera, paldea
ANVIL mercenary
late nights
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6'6" height
6'6" height
you got me dancing in the dark, hit the lights with a blackout
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Cade Atreides
my poison
POSTED ON Jul 5, 2023 10:58:28 GMT
Cade Atreides Avatar

His body ached after what they had practiced. The invitation to her bedroom for some much-needed rest and recuperation was irresistible. Not that he would have looked for a reason to reject it anyway. Especially with a breakfast by the delivery on the horizon. "That sounds perfecto, mami." Cade hums as he's gently reeled under the covers.

It takes some shifting but, eventually, the two find themselves cocooned against one another. Unsurprising to him at this point, Summer fits perfectly in his embrace as the 'little spoon' of this pair. The scent of shampoo in her hair elicits a pleased inhale and smile.

"This is nice... and you smell good. What is that?"

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Summer Atreides
my poison
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2023 2:01:30 GMT
Summer Atreides Avatar

Summer let out a small laugh, humming as she listened to his native tongue grace his lips. Hell, he could insult her, and she'd melt like butter at the sound of his voice and the fierce rolling of his "r"s.[break][break]

His body was a furnace, warming her to the core as she allowed him to hold her close. Her back pressed against his chest, skin to skin, feeling his breaths and matching them with her own.[break][break]

"Mmm... lavender and honey. I find it soothing. Don't you agree?"[break][break]

She only shifted a small amount, enough so she could look over her shoulder to see his face. Her own was content, a post-sex aura of comfort and pleasure emanating from her.




MISSION - sleepless in slateport (june 2022)


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